We offer you services of our most professional and most comprehensive team available on the market.
The equipment we can provide with minimum technical staff, according to the following specification
or provide a full staff necessary to carry out your project.
OB Van crew members:
- OB Van Engineer (video)
- OB Van Engineer (audio)
- Technician
- Sound Mixer's Assistant
- Drivers (OB Van and Supporting Truck)
Additional (on request):
- Vision Mixer
- Sound Mixer
- Light Director
- Graphics Coordinator
- Video Control Operator
- Sound Mixer's Assistant
- Cameramen
- Stedicam Operator
- Grip
- Video Tape Operator
- EVS Operator
- Gaffer/Stage/Floor Managers
- Drivers
DSNG Van crew members:
- DSNG Engineer
- Technician/Driver
Super Slow Motion Van crew members:
- SSM Van Engineer
- Technician/Driver
Additional (on request):
- Video Control Operator
- Video Tape/EVS Operator
Eurocopter crew members:
- Pilot
- Cameramen
- Engineer